Reference and Research help

Research Assistance is a consultation and dedicated support service aimed both at users approaching research for the first time - e.g. for the drafting of degree or seminars theses - and at more expert users interested in being aware and keeping updated on the main specialized resources made available to them by the Library.


Norberto Bobbio Library offers both in-person and remote reference assistance sessions to registered users. The service is provided by a staff of reference librarians, expert in the information retrieval in the fields of Law, Economics, Social Sciences, Politics, and EU-related matters. It is aimed at supporting users in an integrated use of all the library resources for research on specific topics.


In-person Reference assistance Office is located on the 3rd floor of the library.


Individual or small groups appointments can be booked at the Reference assistance Office (Monday to Friday, 10.00-12.00 and 15.30-17,30) or via e-mail by writing to the following address:


Library staff is also available to organize training sessions on request.



Reference assistance Office

"N. Bobbio" Library, 3rd floor, C2 sector

tel: 011 670 8891
