Journals Sector

The Journals sector consists of the journals previously owned by the four original libraries: Cognetti, Patetta, Ruffini, Solari.


The holdings currently include over 9400 Titles, some of which have not yet been cataloged.

Currently active: 810 print journals and 6733 online journals.


Location: first floor (blocks C2 and C3) and second floor (blocks C1 and C2)


To search for the titles and issues owned by the Bobbio library (code TO043) and identify the signature or "location" code, consult:

ACNP National Catalog of Periodicals, which indexes the titles owned by Italian university libraries, listed in alphabetical order (by library code)

  • Current periodicals: 1st floor block C 3
  • Discontinued periodicals:
      Ground floor European subjects  
      1st floor block C2 Legal subjects  
      1st floor  block C2 and 2nd floor block C1 Statistical-economic subjects  
      2nd floor block C3 Socio-political-cultural subjects