eBook Platforms
This section contains a list of ebook platforms by alphabetical order.
You can access single resources in the following ways:
Keywords: Arts, Humanities, Social sciences |
Bloomsbury collections delivers online access to scholarly books from Bloomsbury’s award-winning Academic division. Spanning the arts, humanities and social sciences, the site features the latest research publications from Bloomsbury, T&T Clark, The Arden Shakespeare and Hart Publishing, alongside scholarship from historic imprints Continuum, Berg and Bristol Classical Press. New frontlist collections are added each year. |
Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
The subscribed Collection gives access to the full-text of volumes on miscellaneous subjects published in 2013, 2014 and 2015 and containing around 900 essays. |
Keywords: Byzantin Law |
Basilica Online is a fully-searchable online edition of the 17 volumes of the Basilica text and its scholia, as edited between 1945 and 1988 by H.J. Scheltema, D. Holwerda, and N. van der Wal. The Basilica is the single-most important source for Byzantine law throughout the period of the Byzantine empire, and is a major source for Byzantine studies more broadly. |
Keywords: Classics |
The University of Turin has subscribed the following digital collections in the Classical Studies:
BRILL - International Law Books Online Keywords: Law |
The package covers the following subjects: Public International Law – Law of the Sea – International Trade Law – International Labour Law – Environmental Law – European Law – International Relations – International... |
Keywords: Law |
Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
Access: FREE Keywords: Economics and Statistics, Geography, business and law |
Keywords: Dictionaries |
Monolingual dictionaries:
General bilingual dictionaries:
Specialist bilingual dictionaries:
DOAB- DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS BOOKS Access: FREE Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
EBSCO ACADEMIC eBOOK COLLECTION Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
Keywords: Law |
Platform of the publisher Elgar that provides access to the eBook Law Collection (2021-2022) subscribed by the library. |
Keywords: Multidisciplinary, Economics |
EMORY WOMEN WRITERS RESOURCES PROJECT Access: FREE Keywords: Genre literature, serial novels, French literture, women's literature, women's issues, women's rights, native Americans' literature, English literature, Americtan literature. |
Started in 1994 at the Emory University, EWWRP was originarily aimed at publishing on line texts of women's literature edited by under-graduate and post-graduate students. In the following years several sections have been added to the project, among which Genre fiction, a collections of more than 300 texts of English and American genre literature (detective stories, sentimental novels and serial stories) either written by women or concerning women's issues between 1860 and 1920. Among the other sections: |
Access: FREE Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
Keywords: Law |
Platform of the publisher Hart that provides access to the eBook Law Collection (2021-2022) subscribed by the library. |
Keywords: Law |
Keywords: Law, Taxation |
IBFD is the electronic platform for cross-border tax research of the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation. The University of Turin subscribes the access to over 200 ebooks. In order to get them, select "Tax research Platform" on the upper bar, and then, in the following page, click on "Search". A full list of the subscribed materials is available under the tab "Books". |
Access: Library/Department Keywords: Economics |
Keywords: Economics |
MediaLibraryOnLine is the first network of Italian public libraries for digital lending. It provides access to more than 240 eBooks, a selection of monographs published by Egea, Sole 24 Ore, Laterza. Each user can download a maximum of 2 eBooks every 15 days. To access please log in with your SCU username and password and click on the unito.it button. |
Access: Library/Department/ BESS Consortium Keywords: Economics, Social sciences |
Access: FREE Keywords: Humanities, Social sciences |
Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO) is a digital platform that offers a number of handbooks written by eminent international scholars on a wide range of disciplines |
Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL) contains over 180 full-text online editions reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press, including Oppenheim, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law. |
OSO - OXFORD SCOLARSHIP ONLINE Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
PANDORA CAMPUS (Il Mulino course and text books) Keywords: Politics and social scirences |
PandoraCampus is a platform for digital lending of course and text books published by Il Mulino.
Keywords: Economics and Statistics, Law |
Access: Library/Department Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
Platform that gives access to the ebook published by Taylor&Francis and acquired by the UniTo libraries. Around one hundred titles are currently available. They are mostly in Economics, Social Sciences.
Access: Library/Department/ BESS Consortium Keywords: Multidisciplinary |
Keywords: Law |
Keywords: Economics, Politics |
WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION - UNWTO e-library Access: FREE Keywords: Economics, Politics COMPENDIUM OF TOURISM STATISTICS Access: UniTo Network (*), remote access (IP recognition) |
(*) UniTO Network includes all the PCs and thinclients of the University of Turin, as well as any device, such as laptops, tablets or smartphones, connected in-site through WiFi or remotely. |